• Seoul

    Immerse yourself in K-everything at this vibrant city that offers you great adventure with its modern and historical culture.

    Sunrise of Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, South Korea. Sunrise of Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, South Korea.

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Local highlights

Where to go? Things to do? We've curated the best the city has to offer you.

Shopping indulgence

K-Beauty is all the rage now, and where better to scoop up your favourite fashion and beauty products than in Seoul? Head down to Myeongdong or the Express Bus Terminal for the shopping spree of a lifetime.

Blurred many people visit and shopping at hongdae shopping street in Seoul, South Korea

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Travel requirements

Travel information for international arrivals​.

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Sunrise of Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, South Korea.

Korea Tourism Organization​

More travel tips to help you with your planning​.

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Contactless payments​

Tap to pay when you are travelling​.

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